Conference Program
The conference “New Foundations in Chinese Digital History” will take place in the continuity of the summer school. It will take place on 24 June (whole day) and 25 June (morning). The scholars who will serve as mentors have met in a pre-conference workshop in February to outline and discuss their planned contribution to the conference. You will find below the list of contributors:
Elisabeth Kaske
- Leipzig University
- Allemagne
- Talk: The Checkered Game of Mandarin Life: Exploring the Inner Workings of the Qing Bureaucracy
Cécile Armand
- Aix-Marseille University
- France
- Talk: Local elites with global outreach: A Bilingual topic modeling of the Shanghai press during the Republic (1919-1949)
Guo Weiting
- Aix-Marseille University
- France
- Talk: Under the Lamp: A Chinese Man and His World of Reading and Writing, 1888–1942
James Lee
- HK University of Science and technology
- Hong Kong
- Talk: The Best and the Rest: Comparing Elite Scientific Chinese Academic Researchers with Elite Chinese University Students, 1920-2020
Christian Henriot
- Aix-Marseille University
- France
- Talk: Eminent Chinese of the Shenbao (1872-1891)
Chen Jing
- Nanjing University
- China
- Talk: Digitizing and Recovering the Knowledge of Traditional Chinese Color of the Nanjing Brocade
Marylin Levine
- Central Washington University
- Talk: Chinese Political and Cultural Elites: Twentieth Century Transformations
Paul Vierthaler
- Williams & Mary University
- Talk: Machine-aided Detection of the Sources of Jinpingmei
Cameron Campbell
- HK University of Science and Technology
- Hong Kong
- Talk: Spatial patterns of place of origin of Qing officials, 1760-1911
Liu Jun
- University of Copenhagen
- Denmark
- Talk: Social Media Analytics: Social and semantic network analysis
Hilde De Weerdt
- KU Leuven
- Belgium
- Talk: Designing a digital history of the lives and afterlives of Chinese material infrastructures
Donald Sturgeon
- Durham University
- UK
- Talk: Computer assisted annotation and knowledge base construction for Chinese historical texts