New Foundations in Digital Chinese Studies

Friday Conference

International conference

New Foundations in Chinese Digital Humanities

24-25 June 2022, Aix en Provence


24/6/2022  Morning
9 :00 – Chen Jing

Nanjing University

Digitizing and Recovering the Knowledge of Traditional Chinese Color of the Nanjing Brocade
9 :45 – Hilde De Weerdt

K.U. Leuven

 Designing a digital history of the lives and afterlives of Chinese material infrastructures
10 :15 Morning break

10 :30Donald Sturgeon

Durham University


Computer assisted annotation and knowledge base
construction for Chinese historical texts

11 :15Paul Vielharter

Williams & Mary College

Machine-aided Detection of the Sources of Jinpingmei


24/6/2022  Afternoon
14:00 – Elizabeth Kaske

Leipzig University

The Checkered Game of Mandarin Life: Exploring the Inner Workings of the Qing Bureaucracy
14:45 – Guo Weiting

Aix-Marseille University

Under the Lamp: A Chinese Man and His World of Reading and Writing, 1888–1942
15:15 – Afternoon break

15:30 – Cameron Campbell

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Spatial patterns of place of origin of Qing officials, 1760-1911

16:15 – Liu Jun

Aix-Marseille University

Ask a(n) (Interesting) Question that Can Be Answered: Reflections on Doing Digital Social Research







June 24, 2022